Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm on a roll!!!

So far - 3 days now - I'm doing much better at blogging. Basically because the kids are giving me things to blog about. I'm afraid if I don't blog about them I'll forget them. This is also going to help me when it comes to my scrapbooking because I'll have written record of it.

Connor first - He has figured out he has his own mind and own will. So, I'm sad to say I've had to start spanking him. Time out didn't really seem to work any more and he was becoming more and more stubborn and wanted to do what I wanted him to do in his time not mine. But his time could take him 30 minutes when it should only take 3. I absolutely hate spanking him but the phase we are in right now requires it. He gets it a lot for "not listening." So, yesterday he was wanting my attention but I was dealing with a very fussy, 6-tooth cutting little Savannah. Next thing I know I feel two soft smacks on my back. I asked him what he just did - because we have hitting but we also have "love taps." He informed me he was spanking me because I wasn't listening to him.

Ok - for those of you who saw this post and it only contained what is above - that's because of Connor. While I was at praise team practice he decided to help Mommy and posted it. So, here's the rest of the blog...

Savannah is learning new things every day. Yesterday she learned how to give 5 and a high 5. But what I love the most is her new dinosaur "stuff." She used to be afraid of Connor's toy dinosaurs. She now loves to play with them and she learned yesterday they roar and stomp. Connor always says "stomp, stomp, stomp." So, Savannah goes "thom, thom, thom" and if only you could hear her roar. For those that are around her and have heard her "growl" noise, that's what she does.

Just a couple of stories to brighten you day.....or evening. :-)

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