Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On the mend.....hopefully

OK, so these past couple of weeks have been a little trying. With just about everybody in the household not feeling well - with Savannah being.....I can't even think of how to describe her other than I say "Oh my word, Savannah, CHILL!" a lot - I'm glad I think most of us are on the mend. Connor is getting over his cold thanks to his antibiotics. It's still hanging around but he is getting better. I am getting better with a little lingering stuff but hopefully it will be over soon. Savannah is another story. We went back to the doctor today because I just knew she had at least one ear infection with the way she was acting. But, no, not a one. She's had something going on for 2 1/2 weeks now. So, thankfully they gave me an antibiotic to see if it would help her get rid of whatever she has. If it doesn't or she gets better and her attitude doesn't improve I'm in BIG trouble!! She's so different than what Connor was. Connor was and is an unusually well behaved kid. I'll just say I have to have a lot more patience with Savannah (which I don't usually have much of) than what I did with Connor. No kid can compare to him. Not that I don't love Savannah just as much as I do Connor. Just once you have a kid like Connor - you're ruined for whatever comes next! :-)

On a lighter note Connor had his 3 year check up today. Thankfully no shots today - just checking to make sure he's where he should be on things. His vision was 20/20 and he heard everything he was supposed to hear. He even peed in the cup for them to test and all came back normal. He was 34 3/4" tall - in the 2nd percentile and weighed 27 lbs - in the 5th percentile. Him being in the 5th percentile is the highest percent he has been in since June 2006 - when he was 6 months old. We're making progress!! :-) He actually loves going to the doctor. Whenever I take Savannah in for whatever reason and he goes with me Savannah's doctor has to check him out too - the whole thing - heart, ears, nose, throat, eyes, knees. But thankfully Savannah's doctor doesn't mind doing it and actually seems to enjoy a kid that likes to be there. It's funny because he's on the bottom end of the spectrum for physicality (is that a word?) but mentally he is far and beyond. In the questions they asked at the beginning they asked, "Can he count to 3?" I thought - he's done that for 1 1/2 years. He can count to 20. He knows all his colors and shapes. He even knows the difference between a circle and oval and also a square and rectangle. He's starting to read a little bit - just from memorization. He read the word "stop" while the doctor was in there. He was impressed. I really need to take time with him and work on some things but now I'm not really sure what to do with him. He goes to preschool twice a week and gets a lot of stuff there but I feel like I should be doing more with him and Savannah for that matter. I don't work with her on things like I did Connor.

Savannah is continuing to try to talk. She has said "uh oh" for a while but I now think she is adding a "dang it" on the end. It comes out, "uh oh, dango." Connor says dang it a lot - trying to get him to say that instead of crap. :-) She also says "dane do" for thank you. We're working on sign language - I've lagged with her compared to Connor - but she'll say "all done" and just started trying to say "please" today. She's getting closer to walking. It's more just a confidence thing than anything. She'll walk all over the place while holding on to something with both hands and does very well holding on to just one finger. She just needs to gain a little confidence and she'll be gone.

Connor's new phrase he says is "You kidding me!" Apparently I say "You've got to be kidding me" a lot. I never realized how much I say it. I guess I actually never realize how much I say a lot of things until I hear them come out of Connor's mouth. :-)

1 comment:

Katie Murray said...

I used to tell Ella "stop it" all the time, until one day she was playing with her baby and I saw her look right at the baby and say "stopie." I haven't said it since.