Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So, I know I just posted earlier today but there are a couple of stories that I have in my mind that I want to tell before I forget them.

First, Connor....he's such big boy now. We went for his haircut today and we took Savannah with us so he couldn't sit in my lap. He could have cared less!! He got up there with his 2 suckers and just smiled and talked to Angie like he'd been doing it forever - not just once before. Ever since his last haircut he informs anybody that calls him "Baby" he's not a baby - you can call him Connor or Sweetheart. Well, his preschool teacher called him that last week. He told her he wasn't a baby. She explained to him that it was just a term of endearment like her calling him Sweetie. He stopped and thought a second and then said, "Well, I am sweet." And that he is!!

We've had to discuss good attitude vs. bad attitude. He now understands the difference. Apparently if he starts having a bad attitude I tell him he needs to "drop the bad attitude." The other day I asked him, "Are you having a bad attitude?" And his reply was, "No, Mommy, I dropped it." It took everything in me to not laugh and just say, "Good."

He has been arguing for a few weeks now. Not yelling arguing just not doing what I want him to do or not wanting to wait for something. I'm trying a new approach I learned the other night referred to as "Speak and spin" - tell him I love him too much to argue and walk away. I haven't had to do it yet, although I thought I might have to tonight when putting him to bed. I lay down with him for 3 songs on his "night, night cd." He told me he wanted me to lay for 4, and I told him 3. He said, "no, 4." I told him, "3 and if you say 4 again I will go downstairs right now." So what was his reply...."No, 5." It was really hard to not laugh! I told him 3 and if he said any number other than 3 I was going downstairs. He said, OK.

Now, Savannah....She is talking more and more. Of course, her words aren't exactly clear but I know what she is saying and other people can usually get what she says too, especially Grammy, or as Savannah calls her "Mammy." She now says "Ah see ....." meaning she sees. Today, while we were at the doctor's office getting Connor's ears re-checked from his ear infection (all clear) she said, "Ah see feesh" which means "I see fish." She loves to ask "Whas dat?" - "What's that?" she says "Hush" a lot because I tell Lightnin' to hush all the time. Tonight she also say, "Da-daddy" for Granddaddy."

I started time out in my lap with her today because she's been a brat for the past few days - mainly annoying Connor then pitching a fit when she doesn't get what she wants. So, we'll see how this goes.

The funniest thing though is we found out last night that she is scared of Danny's feet. We found this out because - he was laying on the bed and stuck one foot up in the air for me to rub. I started doing it and Savannah came into the bedroom and saw what I was doing and started saying, "no, no, no" and whining and backing up. I'd put Danny's foot down and she's stop. I picked it up and started rubbing it again and she did the same thing - about to cry. I sat down on the floor and she came over to me. I grabbed Danny's foot and put it close to her and she tried to get away from it while saying, "nooooo." I'm not sure where this is coming from but it was hilarious!!

1 comment:

Miranda said...

The feet thing is funny - so does Danny have particularly scary looking feet?!