Thursday, April 2, 2009

For those of you who know Connor - you know he is a sweet boy. But these past few days he has become the sweetest little boy you will ever meet!! Once he learned manners - Thank you, please - he has used them very well. He uses Thank You all the time when given something or if you do something for him. The last few days though he'll just say it out of the blue. We went to play outside today and as Danny was walking by Connor said, "Thank you for getting me my new tractor, Daddy!" (A couple weeks ago we got him a new battery powered ride on John Deere tractor with wagon.) A little while later I was planting a few flowers a friend had given me and Connor was out there to "help." His job was to water them after they were planted. There was water in a pan I had sitting out there. He said, "There's water in the bowl, Mommy, from the rain. We can water the flowers with the water. Thank you rain!!" It just melted my heart!! He really is one of the sweetest kids you will ever meet!

Savannah is really into her walking! For the past several days she doesn't really play - she just walks around. She LOVES it! She can already bend over and pick things up. And if she falls - if she wants to - she can stand up by herself without having to grab hold of something. She still loves the ABC's and numbers. She knows that A is the first letter and can say it. She's also learning to count. I count to her sometimes when changing her diaper because she doesn't like having her diaper changed but she likes for me to count. So now I'll say "one" and she'll say "two"; I'll say "three" and she'll sometimes make a sound that sounds like four; I'll say "five" and half the time she'll say "sick" really quick; I'll say "seven" and she always says "a" and that's where she stops. But she says "2 and 8" very,very consistently.

We leave in a little over a week for our road trip down south. I'm starting to get a little anxious about it, but not enough to back out of it - yet anyway. I'm actually looking forward to it a little. I just know it's going to be an interesting trip!!!

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