Sunday, September 19, 2010

Connor joined his first organized sports team. We decided to give soccer a try. We signed him up with AYSO. They practice for 30 minutes then play a game for 30 minutes one night a week. This is my kind of practice/game! He was super excited about it. He couldn't wait to make new friends. He was ready to play, that is until we got there. The first night was very chaotic - he doesn't do so well with chaos. But once the craziness settled down and he got with his team he was ok. Here's a picture of him (the #2 in the middle) and the rest of his team - the Lightning Pirates - on their first night of practice.

He decided the first night that #3 - Joe was his buddy. We found out that Joe was also excited about making new friends, so #2 and #3 have become good buddies. These are a couple of pictures of Connor and his buddy, Joe.

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