Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Who would have thought ladybugs could be so scary!

Ladybugs.....that is what plagued Savannah's dream last week which kept us up 'til 3:30. Something led her to believe she had ladybugs not only in her bed but all over her room. We get ladybugs in our house and always have so she sees them often. She has even held live ones in her hands. But that night they weren't cute little bugs. They were something that had my little girl frightened in a way I have never seen her in her short 2 year life. It started around 11:00pm. She cried and I tried 3 times to rock her for a few minutes and put her back in bed. She would last about 30 - 45 minutes. By the 4th time I was a little frustrated because at that point I wasn't sure why she was crying. I thought maybe she was just wanting to rock and I sure didn't want to at 2:00 in the morning. The last time I let her cry for 20 minutes and when I went in she was standing up in the back corner of her bed on her toes. She was not just wanting to rock she was scared. It took me about 10 minutes to get out of her what was wrong. Even in the moment one thing was a little funny. I was asking her what was wrong. I told her, "Tell Mommy what's wrong." And she told me, "What's wrong." Once I figured out she thought there were ladybugs in her bed I got her out and went to the rocking chair. It took about 45 minutes to convince her there were no ladybugs. She kept asking, "Whaz dat?" Once it was a shadow, another time a decoration on her wall, and once it was even my shirt. She had her legs drawn up, was facing me and covering her eyes. Finally she said, "No wadybugs?" I said, "No. No ladybugs!" She thought for about 2 seconds and said, "Ok." She then settled down and went off to dreamland around 3:15. At 8:30 (when she woke up) I went to get her and the first thing out of her mouth was, "Wadybugs tickle?" For the past week almost every time we go to bed either for a nap or night time, she asks if there are any wadybugs. And when I get her up just about every time she informs me that wadybugs tickle. I'm just glad my mom got her a the bumblee pillow pet instead of the ladybug one.

It's just the house of bad dreams. Connor has had a few too, but none that make us stay up until 3:00 in the morning. His are a little funny. Once it was about rain and pigs....that's all I could get out of him. Another had a monster that was chasing him, but it was telling him to not be scared because he was nice. And earlier this week it was about the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf. That's pretty much all the details I got out of him.

The past few nights have been quiet so hopefully the bad dreams are over.

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