Thursday, March 19, 2009

Well, we once again have sickness in our household. I took the kids to the doctor this evening. Savannah's on antibiotics to, hopefully, keep an ear infection away. We know Connor has a virus thanks to a little finger prick that did not go so well. At least he got McDonald's chicken, french fries and sweet tea afterwards!

Up until the past week things have been good. I know I keep saying it that Savannah's getting closer to walking - but she really is!! She'll actually take 5 or 6 steps by herself and the other day even went 10 - 15 feet. I know one of the days she's just going to take off. I'm not sure if that will be a blessing though. I'm pretty sure she'll be happier though - so that will be nice, but I also know she might be into more things, but she and Connor will have a bigger time playing together. All I know is she is getting heavy! She's not quite 20 lbs yet - almost. I'm getting some pretty strong arms though. She LOVES to say "Poppa" & "puppy" - oh and "shooey." She'll say "poppa, poppa, poppa, poppa, puppy, puppy, puppy, puppy." And the shooey is just said over and over again. And all three of these words are very clear. She has actually started saying"shooey" about 1/2 the time after she goes poop. She loves the ABC's and tries her hardest to sing them. She also tries really hard to count. She can say 2 but pretty much "two, two, two" is what comes out of her mouth.

Connor got his hair cut the other day and actually sat in the chair on the booster seat all by himself for the first time. And he didn't cry. He's gotten used to the lady that cuts his hair. He wasn't too sure about it but she was great - she kept bragging on him and how well he was doing. By the end he had a big grin on his face (see the web album - I'm being lazy and not putting the picture on this time. :-) Sorry) I had told him if he did good and didn't cry we would go get Pinocchio. So, we had to make a trip to Target and get it. Danny and I along with Danny's dad - Granddaddy - took Connor to the last home UT men's basketball game. He did much better this time and actually had fun. He was singing Rocky Top by the end. He was very excited to see Smokey. He even wanted to go give him a high five. (Sorry for the blurry pictures but it's all Danny's fault. He told me I couldn't use my flash but I saw other people using theirs so I finally used mine.) I can't wait 'til next year now. I think he will really like them. He's even learned what Bruce Pearl (the head coach) looks like. He saw him on tv the other night and he got all excited and said, "Look Mommy, it's Tennessee basketball." He's getting pretty good and writing his name. We haven't really worked on all letters, just his name. There's a picture on the Web album of what he wrote on his chalkboard. We went to the park Wednesday and had a great time. We went a little before lunch and played then ate at the park. They both had a good time!

He is all the time saying funny things. When I put him to bed we have this routine where after I read him his books, I'll lay down with him for 3 songs on his "night, night cd." After I get up I have to go back & give him a hug and kiss. The other night he was more awake than usual. He had to give me a kiss too. At the end of the he informed me, "I'm a goooood kisser!" Of course I had to agree with him! And tonight before he went to bed he and Danny and I were in the kitchen. Him and Danny were playing one of the words games. As Connor was getting off the bar stool, Danny playfully smacked him on his bottom. I think that was the first time he had ever done that. The look on Connor's face was shock and he told Danny, "You can't spank me only Mommy can." He was very serious about it too!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Isn't it great to be in their minds the one that does the "fun" things like discipline ; ) I'm pretty sure my kiddos think I enjoy torturing them with nail clippers and bulb syringes! Sorry about the latest round of sickness; hope those cute little ones get well quickly.